The Messenger Astronomical News

Report on the ESO workshop “Two in a Million — The Interplay Between Binaries and Star Clusters”

  • Kamann, Sebastian [Liverpool John Moores University, UK]
  • Bodensteiner, Julia [European Southern Observatory (ESO)]

Astronomical News

A substantial fraction of cosmic star formation happens in star clusters, and the binary populations therein are shaped by interactions amongst themselves and with other cluster stars. The intricate interplay of star clusters and the binary stars they host was the topic of this workshop, which brought together about 150 scientists working on four cornerstones of modern astrophysics: star formation, stellar evolution, cluster dynamics, and gravitational waves. As well as invited reviews and contributed talks, the scientific programme offered breakout sessions focused on various practical skills linked to the workshop theme. Informal poster-viewing sessions concluded the session days and offered the opportunity for extended discussions about recent results as well as future instruments.

Created: 2024-03-01/2024-03-31
2 pages

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Kamann, S., Bodensteiner, J.; Report on the ESO workshop "Two in a Million — The Interplay Between Binaries and Star Clusters". The Messenger 192 (March 2024): 57–58.