The Messenger ESO–SKAO Synergies
Cosmology with ESO–SKAO Synergies
No. 193 (September 2024), 20–23
We discuss the possible synergies for cosmology between SKAO and ESO facilities, focusing on the combinations SKA-Mid with the Multi-Object Spectrograph Telescope (4MOST) instrument built for ESO’s Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) and SKA-Low with ESO's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) multi-object spectrograph MOSAIC. Combining multiple tracers allows for tackling systematics and lifting parameter degeneracies. It will play a crucial role in the pursuit of precision cosmology.
Cite this article:
Santos, M., Camera, S., Chen, Z., Cunnington, S., Fonseca, J.; Cosmology with ESO–SKAO Synergies. The Messenger 193 (September 2024): 20–23.