CAFFEINE: Core And Filament Formation and Evolution In Natal Environments

  • André, Philippe
Publication Year
European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Resource Type
Abstract: This collection contains imaging data products for the observing programme ‘Core And Filament Formation and Evolution In Natal Environments’ (CAFFEINE). These data, acquired with the ArTéMiS camera at the APEX telescope, span observations conducted from 2018 to 2022. The 48 imaged fields cover a total area of more than ~ 2.5 deg2, focused on the dense (AV > 10) parts of molecular clouds within about 3 kpc from the Sun. The released products include, per each field the 350 μm and 450 μm intensity maps with resolutions of 8” and 10” (half-power beam width), their related weight maps and a multi-resolution column density maps. These datasets have been carefully calibrated and combined with Herschel/SPIRE data to recover large-scale emission that cannot be detected from the ground with ArTéMiS. The column density maps have been derived by including additional Herschel data at 160 μm and 250 μm and fitting the observed spectra energy distributions on a pixel-to-pixel basis and have a resolution ranging from ~8” in their denser inner parts (AV > 40) to 18.2” in the lower-density outer parts (AV < 40). For more details, refer to the publication by Mattern et al. (2024, A&A, preprint: 2024arXiv240515713M).
Other: This is a dynamic dataset; it is growing as new data is added. The DOI refers to the newest available dataset.
DataCurator: Mattern, Michael
DataCurator: André, Philippe
DataCurator: Roussel, Hélène
DataCurator: Shimajiri, Yoshito
collection_name:CAFFEINE collection_type:Large Programme instrument:APEXBOL

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References: (URL)
Accepted: 2024-07-03
